A Comprehensive Review of Simulation Technology: Development, Methods, Applications, Challenges and Future Trends


  • Tao Luan The Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Author




Simulation technology, Modeling and simulation, Artificial intelligence, Digital twin, Hybrid modeling


Simulation technology is a comprehensive method for predicting possible outcomes or evaluating decision-making effects by establishing computer models of complex systems and simulating their behavior and evolution processes. This paper systematically reviews the development history, main methods, application fields, challenges, and future trends of simulation technology. Firstly, the article defines the connotation of simulation technology and expounds its important value in military, business, public policy, and other fields. Secondly, the article traces the development of simulation technology from its origins in World War II to the present, summarizing key milestones such as modeling languages, graphical interfaces, distributed interaction, and cloud computing. Thirdly, the article introduces the main modeling paradigms, such as system dynamics, discrete events, and agents, as well as compound modeling methods like continuous-discrete hybrid and multi-agent-macro hybrid. Meanwhile, the article also demonstrates typical applications of simulation in defense, business, government, engineering, healthcare, and other fields, using case studies in military operations, consumer markets, macroeconomics, traffic management, and disease spread. Based on an analysis of existing technical challenges, practical dilemmas, and methodological controversies, the article finally outlines the development prospects of simulation technology in the directions of large-scale high-performance computing, data-driven modeling, human-computer hybrid, cognitive-behavioral simulation, and cross-domain coupling. The article points out that simulation is accelerating its integration with artificial intelligence, big data, digital twins, and other technologies, evolving towards more intelligent, real-time, and immersive directions, and will become an indispensable enabling technology in the digital era. Strengthening theoretical innovation and application expansion of simulation is of great significance for enhancing national scientific and technological strength and comprehensive competitiveness.


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How to Cite

T. Luan, “A Comprehensive Review of Simulation Technology: Development, Methods, Applications, Challenges and Future Trends”, ijetaa, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 9–14, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.62677/IJETAA.2405119.