Campus Network Traffic Prediction and Anomaly Detection Based on Deep Learning


  • Jun Li Graduate School, Mapua University, Manila, Philippine and Hebei Vocational University of Technology and Engineering, Hebei, China Author
  • Noel B. Linsangan Graduate School, Mapua University, Manila, Philippine Author
  • Huiguo Dong Hebei Vocational University of Technology and Engineering, Hebei, China Author



Campus Network Security, Network Traffic Prediction, Anomaly Detection, Deep Learning, Visualization


This paper proposes an intelligent solution for network traffic prediction and anomaly detection in campus networks, addressing the increasingly severe network security challenges. The proposed approach innovatively integrates Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTM) to simultaneously extract local features and capture dynamic temporal dependencies of network traffic, significantly improving prediction accuracy. Based on this, an adaptive threshold anomaly detection algorithm is designed to automatically adjust detection sensitivity according to traffic variations, achieving a better balance between accuracy and recall rates. Additionally, an anomaly visualization scheme is presented, intuitively displaying the spatiotemporal distribution of network anomalies through heatmaps, assisting administrators in decision-making. Large-scale experiments demonstrate that this approach can effectively identify various security threats such as DDoS attacks, scanning probes, and botnets, with an overall detection rate exceeding 90% while maintaining a low false positive rate. Compared to traditional statistical and machine learning methods, the proposed approach exhibits stronger adaptability and generalization capabilities, providing crucial support for building an intelligent, precise, and reliable campus network security protection system. Future work will focus on further improving the real-time performance and robustness of the solution, expanding its application in new network scenarios such as IoT and edge computing.


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How to Cite

J. Li, N. B. . Linsangan, and H. Dong, “Campus Network Traffic Prediction and Anomaly Detection Based on Deep Learning”, ijetaa, vol. 1, no. 7, pp. 8–13, Aug. 2024, doi: 10.62677/IJETAA.2407123.